Preparing for Moving Day ...

Today was just an okay day. Don't get me wrong, any day that I'm able to wake up with my health and strength is a good day. Because I'm going to be moving in a few weeks, I've been trying to pack my things here and there; nevertheless, with school, work, and taking care of the house, I haven't had time for much else. Today, however, I decided to label some empty boxes and sort through the things I planned on keeping and the things I planned to throw away. To my surprise, as I was going through some clothes I planned to take to the salvation army, I found a pair of pants and a shirt I wore in 10th grade! Keep in mind, I'm a college student now. I couldn't believe I still had them. I continued looking through my closet and the drawer where I kept important papers. And, again, I found papers from as far as back as 4th grade! It was one of my old progress reports. All I could do was shake my head from side to side. I'm one of those people who hates to throw things away because I convince myself I might need it one day. Looking  at the progress report gave me a nostalgic feeling and I could remember 4th grade as if were yesterday. In any event, I'm so excited to be moving and I can hardly wait for Roxi (my dog) to have a big front/backyard to run and play in. Wish me luck with the move, and in the meantime, I'll be sure to keep you updated.   


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